domingo, 25 de marzo de 2007


Todo va muy bien !! Acabo de presentar el TOEFL y la verdad me sentí muy seguro, creo que si me sirvió la ida a Canadá jeje... aunque como todos esos tipos de examenes son muy largos a lo úlimo ya te sientes cansado de tanto pensar y leer! en fin... Pasando ahora al tema de mi proyecto ! creo que nos va a quedar muy bien! le estamos poniendo muchas ganas! el guión ya lo tenemos definido y la trama de la historia va a ser algo inimaginable para todos! espero que les guste! y solo faltaría ya filmarlo bien y editarlo! haber como nos va... saludos a todos! =)


Esta entrada esta un poco a destiempo al parecer! hace rato que no subía algo como entrada, creo que perdí la costumbre...! pues les digo nada mas que la semana pasada hize el examen CENEVAL y tras varios días de estrés continuo jaja al fin lo llevé a cabo y creo que me fue bien... ahora solo falta el TOEFL que pienso que me va a ir muy bien también y el Murder we wrote que también espero ya salir de eso...! hay que hecharle ganas ya que estamos en la recta final de toda la prepa!

domingo, 4 de marzo de 2007


Here are some charts to make things a little bit more organized ;)

lunes, 26 de febrero de 2007

Six Big Questions!

1.-What is the Newton’s Law of Cooling?
A= Newton’s Lay of Cooling states that the temperature of an object changes at a rate which is proportional to its first temperature. And the environment’s temperature and the object’s temperature makes a differentiation.2.-What variables in your problem correspond with the variables in the Newton’s Law of Cooling?
Yt= The temperature of the environment
K= Is a constant that proportionally increases or decreases.
C= A constant that can be found when at the time equals 0
T= This is the time at which a body or object is measured. You state your time equals zero when you found the body.Y= Body temperature that raises proportionally
4.-How does the room temperature affect the time of death?
A= Depends on how cool or warm the environment is. The cooler, the faster, the warmer the slowest the body’s temperature changes.

3.-According to the Newton’s Law of Cooling, at what time approximately the death happened?
A= It happened around 8:43 p.m. and 9:55 p.m.5.-How does an illness affect the time of death?
A= Having an illness makes things complicated, because it produces an alteration on the body’s normal temperature, so, assuming that it has fever like the example given, the body takes longer to chill. 6.-How exact is the approximation of the Newton’s Law of Cooling for predicting the time of death?A= Depends on the delay of your founding, the faster you find the object the more accurate this law will be. And also how long the body has been dead.

lunes, 19 de febrero de 2007

New Entry ! :O

In this week’s entry, I am going to include other important facts about our final project, and these facts were obtained by some web pages that out teacher gave us.

4. What methods are commonly used to find the time of death?
A= As the reading tells us, there are two methods to estimate the time of death which are the following:
Rate method: this consists in measuring the changes that might be produced by some sort of process which takes place at a known rate, which was either initiated or stopped. For example, the body temperature and the degree of putrefaction of the corpse
Concurrence method: this consists in comparing the events which took place at know times with the time of occurrence of the event under the investigation, for example, the extent of digestion of the last ingested meal.

5. What factors are considered in Algor Mortis?
A= It depends on the location where the body is found, it works in cool and temperate climates, because in tropical regions it may be a minimal fall in body temperature so it is less accurate

6. How does the environment affect the time of death?
A= The size of a body, the clothing and coverings, the movement and humidity of the air, and immersion in water.

7. What can you tell about the different methods of temperature reading of the body? Do they make a difference in the results?
A= It can be measured via abdominal stab or per rectum and it makes no differences, but it depends in professional judgement, although if you try to do it via oral or axillary it won’t work.

domingo, 11 de febrero de 2007

my free blog entry!

holaa a todos! ya toca una entrada en español al fin! jaja porque creo que casi todas las que tengo (como si tuviera tantas) estuvieron en inglés. Buenoo le doy gracias a Dios por haber salido pues mínimo bien en el examen jajaja y sacar buena calificación parcial, porque tenía miedo con eso de los problemas de linearization y eso que nunca le entendí del todo!.... esta semana estuvo pues bien hasta eso.... no estuvo tan pesada y anduve de buen humor! creo que ando un poco sin que hacer para estar contando todo esto xD bueno eso es todo saludos...!
PD. para todos los fans de sus artistas favoritos haber si se identifican

lunes, 5 de febrero de 2007

The Mathsoquists!

Hey people! How are you diong huh?, I'm fine thanks for asking lol....!
Today's entry is going to be about a very interesting topic! indeed! is our fabulous final project of this semester yaaay! hahaha, in which, we will be making a movie involved in a crime scene, so as you may know, in this movie a great oscar winning actors will be appearing! so look forward to watch it ! lol Here are the nominees:
Esmeralda Campos Muñoz as “The journalist”
Gloria Inés Higuera Ley as “The media expert”
José Luis Márquez Sabag as “The math expert”
Khalil Abraham López Mohamed as “The forensic scientist”
Now before getting started with our project, I will put a brief explanation of some facts that wue should know by now like:
Foresic Science: Is the application of science involved in legal systems and used to on crimes and civil actions.
Evidence collected: there exist a lot of different evidence that we could collect sush as biological, marks or prints (feet and fingers), fire arms, among others...
Importancy of time of death: So we could estimate the changes that the body has gone through during the crime.
And at last but not least, we realized that the main objectives of this project is for us to understand a lot of terms that we might have not applied before. Aslo we can develop our creative skills that are going to make this project happen and at last it can help us to apply all the concepts we've learned during our class' period. IT WILL BE WICKED!

sábado, 27 de enero de 2007


Hola a todos!! jaja este es mi tercera entrada que pongo en el curso, ya se esta haciendo costumbre ee?
pues bueno estaH semana creo que estuvo mucho mejor que la pasada, porque los problemitas esos con los que empezamos el curso simplemente no se me dieron xD entonces pues ahora con las OH gran integrales creo que podré salvar la calificación parcial ! jajaja me gusta como se hacen y la combinación de todo... esta bien I'm a math geek xD jajaja!
estem no se que mas poner creo que es todo, esta buena la cita de la semana creo que va muy al caso con nuestro salón gracias a pepe jajaja pero bueno no se me ocurrió nada bueno que escribir sobre ella saludos!
un video cool de gatos xD

domingo, 21 de enero de 2007

Otra mas!

Pues esta es la segunda entrada que pongo en la semana, y se supone que debo de poner que es lo que he aprendido o lo que me gusta de calculo verdad?
pues bueeeno, creo que lo que me gusta ahorita son las integrales que apenas lo estamos viendo pero se ve bien, tiene futuro jajaja! espero que siga así y termine fácil como cálculo jeje saludos!
Aqui les paso un link de un video buenísimo jajaja haber si bailamos asi !

sábado, 20 de enero de 2007


Hey there!

It's pretty cool get into the blog world haha... first I'd like to introduce myself!! My name's Khalil López, I'm 17 years old, born on July 1st 1989! and I live in Ciudad Obregón Sonora! a really hot place to live in lol.... I like to party a lot with friends, chat and watch movies! hope u like this blog!

a. Why do you think this activity starts with the Martin Luther King Jr. quotation?
A= Well, I think this quotation tries to encourage us to express ourselves a little bit more, which is the purpose of creating this blog and these entries. also I think it tries to say that we should stand up for the things we really care and never keep to ourselves our thoughts.

b. When do you think you could use a Blog in this course
A= When I've got a doubt , maybe I can get some help by posting or just checking someone else's blog